Table of Contents
HADARC Repeater At Storey Park.
HADARC Repeaters
HADARC repeater hut at Storey Park:
Over the years, HADARC has lots to do with repeaters.
TODO add link to HADARC's repeater history webpage.
Storey Park Site
View from street of BBQ, hut and tower.
- Renovated in about 2019-2020
- Also, it's a good site to operate Friday 40m net from.
Community Centre Mural
Mural traces the histroy of the site.
Fowler's Pottery factory operated until 1947
RNS Hornsby talking to RHT Chatswood
VK2RNS taking to Chatswood or maybe Berowra.
HADARC has a strong association with the site.
- 70cm 'binary' array
- 70cm yagi (unused)
- 2m colinear pair at top is used by the repeater
- 2m lower is unused.
- VK2RNS 2m FM
- VK2RNS 70cm P25, DStar, potentially other modes in future.
- In 2023 VK2BAI secured government grant for solar power
- In 2024 system was installed
- has been running successfully since start of May
Charge controller, Panel cut-off, Battery/Load Cut off
4x 100AH, ~12.5V LeFePO > 4800Wh
Fuse on battery, breaker on load
Battery Current Shunt
Load low-battery-voltage cut off
Wiring Diagram
- Am currently only monitoring charge controller.
- When battery shunt is installed, will be able to monitor battery and load currents as well.
Averaged data is recored in SQL database every 30 seconds:
timestamp num PP PV seconds OI WH BV
------------------- --- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
2024-05-12 10:41:49 54 214.37037037037 189.554074074074 29.1317493915558 15.4555555555556 1.70023968704975 13.5944444444445
2024-05-12 10:42:19 55 220.454545454545 189.942545454545 29.6934690475464 15.8981818181818 1.78271617550934 13.5949090909091
2024-05-12 10:42:50 55 235.436363636364 190.096727272727 29.7077479362488 16.9418181818182 1.90309640296344 13.6123636363636
2024-05-12 10:43:20 54 259.851851851852 190.848888888889 29.1341454982758 18.6925925925926 2.06149632279476 13.6274074074074
2024-05-12 10:43:50 55 264.236363636364 203.501818181818 29.7078907489777 18.9872727272727 2.13620836908371 13.6336363636364
2024-05-12 10:44:20 54 241.888888888889 214.85 29.1655964851379 17.3925925925926 1.91980620717576 13.6246296296296
2024-05-12 10:44:50 55 234.854545454545 215.096727272727 29.7070336341858 16.8963636363636 1.89921232646231 13.6214545454545
Present values and total Watt.hours for today:
timestamp power voltage current
------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
2024-06-25 15:34:55 0.0 13.53 0.0
Power is zero because controller considers batteries to be fully charged.
Last week:
day date Bmax Bmin Pmax WH
Tue 2024-06-25 14.200 13.260 579.1 390.5
Mon 2024-06-24 14.203 13.238 445.2 342.6
Sun 2024-06-23 14.197 13.250 307.8 405.3
Sat 2024-06-22 13.651 13.247 243.5 304.4
Fri 2024-06-21 14.198 13.240 653.0 342.3
Thu 2024-06-20 14.197 13.240 148.5 331.8
Wed 2024-06-19 14.200 13.230 583.3 370.9
- Average daily consumption: ~350Wh
- 4800Wh of batteries, use < 400Wh/day, ~12 days of nothing but pitch black
So, far there's been only one deficit day:
Tue 2024-06-04 14.200 13.279 337.7 591.4
Mon 2024-06-03 14.201 13.205 258.3 432.4
Sun 2024-06-02 13.941 13.250 541.7 543.5
Sat 2024-06-01 13.327 13.253 53.3 35.0
With extended P25 TX on the Tuesday
- Fancy graphs and pretty pictures to follow as time permits.
- have been running entirely from solar since 7th May, 2024
- Will disconnect 240V supply at end of August.
Radio Rack
- 70cm TX and RX Tait radios at top, 70cm RPI and
- 2m Tait repeater below.
- messy wiring is temporary
2m controller
- RPi on top
- controller below
- Wireless Router provides internet access
Inside the controller box:
Circuit. USB sound, 555 HW timeout timer
70cm controller
Is a MMDVM controller board similar to this, and attached to a RPi via the pin header.
Repeaters Block Diagram
- Allstarlink on 2m, allows EchoLink too.
- MMDVM something on 70cm, P25 and DStart, potentially others eg DMR, Fusion, whatever
- With some additional HW, would allow 70cm and 2m to be linked, eg during Monday net.
- VK2DIO can elaborate.